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Renewable Energy

Renewable energy sources will not run out. This is because they don't use fossil fuels or nuclear fuels.

  • Hydroelectric power stations release water from behind a dam to spin a water turbine and then drive an electrical generator.
  • Windmills are expensive to build and don't work when there's no wind. However, wind costs nothing and they don't pollute the planet.
  • In a geothermal power station cold water is pumped down to hot rocks under the ground and it comes back as steam. The steam can drive a turbine and generator to make electricity.
  • Solar panels are most useful when it is sunny and there is no other power supply. E.g. in space, in Africa and for electric road signs.
  • Biofuels can be made from vegetable oils, ethanol from fermentation or biogas from rotting materials.
  • Wave machines use the kinetic energy of waves to drive turbines and electrical generators.
  • Tidal barrages release trapped water from high tide, during low tide, to produce energy.
Whiteboard Version

Renewable Energy - Diagram

Renewable Energy Diagram
Fig 3.13. - Renewable Energy Diagram.

Full Size Renewable Energy Diagram